Desde finales del 2019 MODASA, fabricante peruano de carrocerías ha iniciado la comercialización de sus modelos en México.
De momento la oferta solo incluye autobuses de un piso del modelo ZEUS 380, pero se espera que este 2020 llegue a nuestro país el imponente  MODASA ZEUS Doble Piso.
En los próximos meses comenzaremos a ver los primeros ZEUS 380 en circulación en México.
¿Qué les parecen estos modelos?

modasa zeus 380


Unknown dijo…
Let me tell you something...

This might sound pretty weird, maybe even a little "strange"

HOW would you like it if you could just push "PLAY" to LISTEN to a short, "miracle tone"...

And magically attract MORE MONEY into your life?

And I'm really talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!

Do you think it's too EASY? Think this couldn't possibly be for REAL?!?

Well, I'll be the one to tell you the news.

Many times the largest miracles in life are also the EASIEST!

Honestly, I'm going to PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a real-life "miracle abundance tone" I've synthesized...

You just press "PLAY" and watch as your abundance angels fly into your life... starting pretty much right away...

CLICK here now to enjoy the magical "Miracle Money-Magnet TONE" - it's my gift to you!
